I'm so sorry , but I have no courage to say it in Chinese ...
 I do not always do this before ... about saying things .
 What's happening between us ?
 Why I just wanna tell you something I hope you to change ,
 and you always treat me that way ...
 it's like I have threw all my bad moods away ,
 and I am always giving it to anybody else ...
 Did I do something rude ? or did I do something wrong ?
 Why just can't like the way we chat , we share before ... ?

 I am sad , actually .
 You're denying all the words I say .
 I am not doing all wrong , right ?
 I still have a part of opinion is correct .
 while you dont wanna listen , I am upset ...
 it makes me blame myself ... you know that ?
 I don't wanna do this anymore ...
 is the words I've said so hard to understand ?
 or the words I misused make you misunderstand ?

 don't really know , and I have no power to figure it out ...
 it's complicated .


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